Learning About Cat Care And Training Learning About Cat Care And Training

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Learning About Cat Care And Training

Hello, my name is Ben. I am here to talk to you about raising and training cats. Yes, you read that right. Cats can be trained to perform tricks just like dogs do. You just need to use positive reinforcement and plenty of praise or treats to cajole them into performing the movements you desire. My site will cover daily care of cats, including nail trim tips and feeding schedule options, and how you can train your cat in certain ways. I invite you to use the information on my site to provide your cats with excellent care throughout their long lives.

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Pet Pointers: Steps To Consider Before You Visit A Shelter To Adopt A Dog

Adding a new dog to your home is always an exciting time, and you want to do everything you can to make the experience positive for both your family and your new dog. It is important to get the necessary supplies ready and also to prepare your home for a new dog before you visit your local animal shelters. Following a few guidelines will help you prepare to welcome your new dog into your home.

Establish boundaries in your home

Prior to bringing a new dog home, it is best to determine which areas of your home your pet will have access to. If you are adopting a puppy, it is best to section off a small area of your home by setting up gates or using an exercise pen. A smaller area can help make your dog feel secure in their new surroundings and will protect them from getting injured.

Older dogs may feel overwhelmed when transitioning to a new home and may act out as a result of their anxiety. Having a smaller area to get used to may help ease your new dog's anxiety and make the transition less challenging for both of you.

Protect your furniture

Purchasing covers for sofas and chairs is important to prevent your furniture from becoming scratched or torn by an active dog. You may also want to move expensive furnishings to a separate area where your new pet does not have access to chew on the furniture. Puppies are especially known for chewing on anything they have access to and removing valuable furniture from the area your new puppy will be in can save you a lot of frustration later.

Choose a good time for adoption

It is best to adopt a new dog at a time when your calendar is less busy. For instance, you should not adopt a dog a few weeks before your family goes on vacation or when your will be having house guests arriving for the holidays. Both you and your new dog need time to get to know one another and develop a household routine without distractions.

Bringing a new dog home always involves a time of transition as your family adapts to having a new pet and also for your dog who needs time to adjust to a new environment. Having your home ready in plenty of time to welcome your new pet is important and can make the transition easier. Following a few tips will help you and your new shelter dog get off to a great start together.

For more information on shelter dog adoption, contact a professional near you.