Learning About Cat Care And Training Learning About Cat Care And Training

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Learning About Cat Care And Training

Hello, my name is Ben. I am here to talk to you about raising and training cats. Yes, you read that right. Cats can be trained to perform tricks just like dogs do. You just need to use positive reinforcement and plenty of praise or treats to cajole them into performing the movements you desire. My site will cover daily care of cats, including nail trim tips and feeding schedule options, and how you can train your cat in certain ways. I invite you to use the information on my site to provide your cats with excellent care throughout their long lives.

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Clues That Your Pet Rabbit Could Have Tularemia

A pet rabbit is at risk of developing several serious health issues over the course of its life, but the good news is that if you quickly notice that something seems wrong and take your pet to the nearest animal clinic, the veterinary team may be able to successfully treat the condition. One condition that many rabbits develop is called tularemia, which is a serious bacterial disease. Your rabbit can contract tularemia in various ways, especially if it spends time outdoors on occasion. Here are some clues that your rabbit could have this serious condition. 

One Or More Abscesses

Several different things can cause your pet rabbit to develop one or more abscesses on its body, including tularemia. Abscesses contain pus, which makes them look swollen. The swelling results in discomfort for your rabbit, so you may notice that the pet is paying more attention than usual to a part of its body in which an abscess is present. Abscesses can appear in several different parts of a rabbit's body when it has tularemia. Some will burst, causing pus to leak onto the animal's fur and leave wet marks. Over time, the pus will dry if the rabbit is unable to clean it off, resulting in crusty patches.

Lack Of Energy

A lot of healthy rabbits tend to be energetic. Unless they're confined to their cage, you'll see them curiously moving around the room and occasionally jumping and running. If you're accustomed to seeing your pet rabbit possess a moderate or high level of energy, it should stand out if the pet appears to have no energy at all. Tularemia zaps a rabbit of its energy, leaving it acting in a very lethargic manner. It will likely spend the majority of its time simply lying in one position.


Tularemia will also give your rabbit a fever. A lot of people can struggle to take the temperature of their rabbit with a thermometer, but there are a few other ways that you can often tell if a fever is present. If you touch the pet's ears, they might feel extremely hot or extremely cold. Either scenario may be indicative of a fever. The pet may also appear to be breathing more quickly than usual, and you may even notice that its body is shaking. It's important not to hesitate if you believe that your rabbit could have tularemia.

Reach out to a local animal clinic to learn more.