Learning About Cat Care And Training Learning About Cat Care And Training

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Learning About Cat Care And Training

Hello, my name is Ben. I am here to talk to you about raising and training cats. Yes, you read that right. Cats can be trained to perform tricks just like dogs do. You just need to use positive reinforcement and plenty of praise or treats to cajole them into performing the movements you desire. My site will cover daily care of cats, including nail trim tips and feeding schedule options, and how you can train your cat in certain ways. I invite you to use the information on my site to provide your cats with excellent care throughout their long lives.

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What Your Cat Might Be Telling You About Their Health Through Their Behavior

If your cat might be having health issues, they won't be able to just let you know that they don't feel well and list off their symptoms. As a pet owner, you will have to suss out non-verbal cues in order to help your vet diagnose potential illnesses. Here are four ways your cat might show you that they have a health problem that should be looked into.

1. Issues With the Litter Box

If your pet abruptly stops using the litter box, this can be a sign of urinary or digestive issues. Try to change your cat box on a regular basis and be sure to look out for any changes. You might notice irregularities such as diarrhea or an increase in urination. These changes in bathroom activity might be indirect signs of an illness that should be brought to your vet.

2. A Change in Physical Activity

If your cat used to be the life of the party and now they are lethargic all of the time, something might be wrong. This might be a phase or a change in the weather, but it might also be a sign of an illness. Cats tend to slow down with age, but a rapid change in activity level isn't normal and should be checked out by the vet.

3. Sensitivity Issues or Mood Changes

If your cat seems more agitated than normal or is retreating, they might not be feeling well. Cats tend to hide if they are going through an illness, so be sure to pay close attention if your cat seems cranky or withdrawn. If your cat seems sensitive to the touch or becomes aggressive just out of the blue, these might be a signs that there is something wrong as well.

4. Physical Changes

Watching your cat's weight is a good habit to get into, because even a fluctuation of a pound or two can mean something more serious is going on. If your cat is rapidly losing weight, they might have something more serious going on that the vet should take a look at. This could be an allergy, a parasite, or another, more serious ailment. If your cat has gained weight or seems to be retaining water, they might have a blockage that your vet can help diagnose.

Even though cats don't talk, this doesn't mean they can't communicate some of their symptoms in non-verbal ways. Take the time to understand your cat's healthy baseline so that you can get them into the vet for a checkup if anything is amiss. Contact a company like TLC For Pets for more info.